I’m writing about a lot of things. Because I’m interested in them all. Or because I just can’t make up my mind about what to write about. So I write about everything instead. I do not, however, blog whenever I do something, so there will be very few “reading the paper on the john”-posts here 🙂
Once upon a time (not so long ago) I had a bunch of ambition (= a bunch of blogs!) I soon realized that having lots of blogs did not make me post more, rather the opposite, and my blogs echoed empty. So, now I’ve decided to try to keep everything on one site, and update just one blog. The upside is I may get some action going on this site. The downside: I’ll be all over the place.
So I made categories for each of my interests, and then I created a custom menu and linked menu entries to the different categories. Custom menus are part of standard WordPress, and using the Twenty Eleven theme I get to add one menu on the top bar, instead of the pages. Then I used the “Page Widgets” plug-in to add widgets for the different categories, and voilà… each set of categories are like their own little mini blog with categories, and archive (which I got using the “Category Archive” plug-in).
I hope you enjoy the blog, and I’ll try to keep this page up to date with the overall ambition of the site. The blog posts, of course contain the … well not day-to-day, but “fairly recent”… info on what’s up.
What does Talkwards stand for?
It’s a direction you can move in… like forwards, backwards… talkwards… 😀
Sometimes it’s also the art of guarding (warding) the right to talk… um although that translation seems to also suggest there may be a prison or a hospital involved… 😯 … Ah well…
Another meaning of Talkwards comes from backward-talking, or as it should probably be called; backing talkwards… (although my favorite backwards version for Talking Backwards is Balking Tackwards … but I guess people might balk at that … hehehe)
Copyright, legal etc
The information on this site is provided as is. I have no degree whatsoever, not even in Computer Science (a half semester of thesis work shy of one though). If you do not know what you are doing when using information from this site, then you are strongly recommended NOT to use such information before having consulted a professional with the proper knowledge and insight into your situation.
If you want to mention or quote my blog (quoting size etc along the same guidelines you’d use for, e.g. a school paper, thesis or similar) just link back to the site and it’s OK.
In the case of pictures or longer sections of text, “all rights reserved” is the general practice here. Please contact me with any suggestions or offers before using the material. (Note: where I come from copyright is “opt out” not “opt in” so the lack of a ©-sign or copyright notice is not an excuse to do anything with the material…)
Naturally, all pictures used on this site that are in the public domain or have a usage license that allows them to be used, can also be used by you. I should have provided a link to the source in such cases (and I have, in the majority of the cases, added the originators name in the caption of the picture).
If you feel that a picture you have the copyright to have been erroneously used on this site, just comment on the picture or the page where the picture is used, and if you do not add links to Viagra sites :D, your comment will not be spam filtered, and I’ll make sure I do not infringe on your rights!